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Emeritus Professor Keith Allan

Education: PhD in Linguistics

Affiliation: Monash University, Australia


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Phone: +61-






Keith Allan MLitt, PhD (Edinburgh), FAHA. Emeritus Professor, Monash University. Recipient of the Centenary Medal for Service to Australian Society and the Humanities in Linguistics and Philology in 2003. Sees language as a form of social interactive behaviour and research interests focus mainly on aspects of meaning in language, with a secondary interest in the history and philosophy of linguistics. Has published on the topics of censorship, discourse analysis, dysphemism, euphemism, grammaticalization, jargon, language policy, linguistic metatheory, morphology, politeness, pragmatics, prosody, psycholinguistics, semantics, sociolinguistics, speech act theory, syntax, and taboo. On several editorial boards and from 2007-2019 Editor in Chief of the Australian Journal of Linguistics.

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Selected Publications

Allan, K. (1986). Linguistic meaning. Routledge.
Allan, K. (1991). Natural language semantics. Blackwell.
Allan, K. (2009). Concise encyclopaedia of semantics. Elsevier.
Allan, K. (2010). The western classical tadition in linguistics (2nd expanded ed). Equinox.
Allan, K. (2013). Oxford handbook of the history of linguistics. Oxford University Press.
Allan, K. (2014). Linguistic meaning (2nd ed.). Routledge.
Allan, K. (2016). Routledge handbook of linguistics. Routledge.
Allan, K. (2019). Oxford handbook of taboo words and language. Oxford University Press.
Allan, K. (2020). Dynamics of language changes: Looking within and across languages. Springer.
Allan, K., & Burridge, K. (1991). Euphemism and dysphemism: Language used as shield and weapon. Oxford University Press.
Allan, K., & Burridge, K. (2006). Forbidden words: Taboo and the censoring of language. Cambridge University Press.
Allan, K., & Jaszczolt, K. (2012). Cambridge handbook of pragmatics. Cambridge University Press.